Thursday, March 19, 2015

A little more of me...

So as you all know I am a hair stylist... As a hair stylist believe it or not we are not all amazing at everything! Some of us fake it until they make it, and others are truly gifted! I like to think it was passed down from my lovely grandmother who was also a stylist, some days I feel like instead of blood I have hair color flowing thru my veins. For me color comes natural like second nature... I will be talking with people and in my mind I have already given you highlights, red hair or some dark with sun kissed highlights all before you have told me hello. I eat sleep and think color!!! 
I'm Whytney and I am a colorist! 
Being a colorist is more than slapping color on.
We are chemists, we are artists.
We can add dimension or remove it, we can enhance the face or certain features, we can create depth or movement when the hair is simply standing still. We can make your appearance change or open up a new persona. 

I truly love being a colorist. A mixing bowl and brush are some of my favorite tools.
I have learned so many new techniques and tricks along the way. 
         Here's a before and after of a color I did. (I only did the color!!)

Those are some of my lovely clients and friends who I've had the honor of working on. None of these colors could have been achieved by a "box" they are the work of an artist.. A real person who is living and breathing art,hair and has a passion.. A passion for hair. So next Time you sit in the chair of a stylist remember we don't just slap it on we mix, create and customize a color unique and personalized just for you! No box can give you that! 

Stay pretty my friends


Thursday, January 8, 2015


I just want to start today off with being in the NUDE... haha I know what your thinking why is she writing about being nude!?

Let me just say that NUDE lips are all the rage right now! I like my lips looking soft and natural but for some reason my lips NEVER do. I have lips that resemble the Arizona desert all dry and crackly and they some times bleed because for some reason I think I have to peel the nasty skin off!!!! (HORRIBLE I KNOW!)  So like I said in my earlier posts that I am a Hairstylist venturing into the makeup world I was like how the heck do these celebs have amazing lips all the time? The secret is nude lipstick!

STUNNING!! So I ventured into the makeup store and they were having a sale of all the leftover Christmas stalking stuffers and shoved into the corner was a 3 pack of NYX butter lipstick

This stuff is amazing! I am not a huge lipstick wearer so this stuff is great it goes on as easy as chap stick yet wears like a lipstick! the three shades I got in my 3 pack are  BLS09- CANDY BUTTONS

SNOW CAP is my favorite! I put it on and my lips stay moisturized look flawless. The pack was like $11 for three but then I went to buy more SNOW CAP because I loved it so much I used the whole lipstick in a month I had to get more they are really cheap I think like $4.00 or close to it! so its a steal!
I seriously can NOT get enough of this stuff!
Nude lips are all the rage bringing you a polished yet natural look, you can dress up in it or rock it like to the gym or just plain going to the store.
(I'm wearing SNOWCAP in this pic)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

To braid or not to braid that is the question...

So lately braids have been trending. As a hairdresser we have to keep our eyes ahead of the competition,be on the next trend before it even comes out.. and as a consumer you know how quickly hair trends come and go!(literally in the blink of an eye) 

Today I am going to do a tutorial of a fishtail braid.. My lovely model will be my 5 year old who has enough hair for 2 people... this will be my first tutorial so please bear with me. 
 This Braid looks extremely well on longer hair, and looks difficult yet is surprisingly easy.
my supplies I am using

First: let me start by saying brush or comb out the hair, make sure you have all the tangles out and that its easy to work with.(Tryn hates me brushing her hair so this took a lot of convincing!)

Second: Grab your spray bottle with some water in it and lightly mist the hair(this will help keep the flyways and baby-hairs in check) you can also use a light hold hairspray as well but this might make the hair crunchy so I personally prefer the water.

Third: section hair into two equal parts, hold one side in each hand and keep separate as you braid. we are going to call the equal parts ponytails... :)

Next: Take a small strand from either the left or right side and cross it directly over to the opposite ponytail.

Repeat with the other side continue to repeat this process all the way down the pieces will form your fishtail braid.

when you get to the bottom of your frishtail use a small clear elastic  if you gently pull the braid out from the sides you will give the illusion that you have thicker fuller hair. WHAT GIRL DOESNT WANT THAT!!!

when you first start learning these try it with your hair in a ponytail first!! it makes it easier also wet hair will help keep all your little fly away hairs in place. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sulfate Free?

So I recently have been experimenting with Sulfate Free Shampoo. The brand I have decided to try was Big Sexy Hair. Personally I like their other products, I haven't tried all of them but what I have tried I do like.
This is their new Smoothing line. I recently bought some because my hair for one has been dry and brittle and second I live in Florida this climate is not ideal if you have hair... lol
This shampoo is sulfate free which means it is gentle on the hair safe for hair that has been Keratin straightened and also it is color safe. so in my book I give it 3 thumbs up!!! I also have been using and selling alot of the Brazilian Blowout product line.(Im not going to go to much into that in this post due to me making a WHOLE post on that later.)

This Product line Smells good..which I don't know about you but I am a sucker for things that smell good, I have had Crazy hair since I moved here and this was a good quick fix!

Why is Sulfate Free good for me? I will tell you!
* It doesn't lather as much so you are saving money by not using as much shampoo!
Sulfates in shampoo destroy proteins found in the hair (which proteins is where your hair gets its strength and flexibility.) Once the protein  is stripped down your hair will start to feel brittle and you will notice breakage. So sulfate free can be a good thing. Also another plus is that it wont cause the hair shaft to swell as much which will mean less color leakage! (having your color last longer is a plus in my book!)

If you are looking for a reasonably priced sulfate free shampoo this might be the one for you!

I am going to start doing a product rating based solely on my opinion.
the scale will be 1-10 stars

1 being the worst thing and 10 being OMG  I am buying a bunch of this!
I rate this product a 7 out of 10  would I buy it again yes, will I use this everyday forever? well just until I find something more amazing... REMEMBER friends only let friends buy professional products!!!  For comments or questions write below! I'd love to hear from you!

Hello Gorgeous

Ever wonder how people get that super star celebrity flawless face? Like they look so good it hurts your eyes to look at them? 
I have recently had my eyes opened to the art of contouring the face! (AKA the key to the flawless face) So this weekend I had the genius idea to go to the makeup store and buy some things for attempting to contour my face...which was a bad idea to let me wonder unsupervised thru the makeup store. These were the items I selected to attempt to contour ... 

I am in no way shape or form a makeup artist (I want to make sure everyone is aware of this!)!! I am a Hairstylist that is venturing into the makeup world....SCARY BUT FUN!!!!(ALSO EXPENSIVE) I am new to this but I am going to walk you step by step thru the application process I used to achieve my final look. 

 In this picture on the left I have NO makeup on... haha on the contouring process you will see how silly you can look. My husband says I look like an alien in the in between phase.

So I started with NYX Mineral stick foundation (in MSF05 Medium Beige featured on the right) and I drew an upside down triangle in the middle of my forehead and drew a line from the center of my triangle down thru the middle of my nose (as seen below)

Next I moved  to under my eyes again we will be drawing upside down triangles, but extend your outer line up your cheek bone to the outer corners of your eyes stopping right at the edge of your hairline, then fill in the triangles(as seen below)

Now on to the cheek bones! Grab your darker color I used the same type of foundation stick but the shade was darker... (MSF 09 to be exact carmel)

you are going to want to draw lines just under your cheek bone as well as a rainbow looking thing on your forehead! (AGAIN I AM NOT A MAKEUP ARTIST SO I DON'T KNOW THE CORRECT TERMS!)

Now on to mine chin and under my nose(upper lip) area from the top of the lip you draw an upward triangle just past the corner of your nose. (in the lighter color!!! my lighter shade is MSF 05) Next grab your dark color (mine is MSF09) and going up the outer edges of your nose and down the outside edges of you mouth!
 the picture on the left is a picture before I blended  
                                                                   the picture on the right is from a diffrent day blending step by step... sorry if i confused you!                                   

below is all the blending process and pics :) sorry so long and spread out... it isn't letting me edit correctly today!
 side after I blended    

 starting the dark :)


 Slowly coming together! Make sure you blend it really well if not you will look extremely cake like... I also recommend blending up into the hair line and also down into the neck line for a very natural appearance! I also have drawn my brows on before I did everything else, (which I will do a lesson on those later as well!)

    The Final Look 

Eye make up and all.

I will do another lesson on eye makeup later... but for now if you have questions or comments feel free to do so below!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Are you ready for the Stuffing?

In today's day and age we are all worried about the "stuffing" with all these fad diets and "all natural" everything... are we really living as healthy as we should? I mean think about it we all have so much caffeine and can hardly sleep at night... as we scroll thru our Facebook news feed and everyone's post is INSOMNIA...I CANT SLEEP!!! Have we thought about maybe changing our ways losing the stuffing and getting some rest?

Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK PEOPLE!! While thanksgiving really is one of my favorite holidays I really feel horrible after! I ate enough for 17 people and I cant even stand up and I am in a turkey a coma! (like how healthy can that truly be?)  So as i gear up to get my fat pants ready I am also going to do my best to eat for one! (because it might not be all about the bass, lol)  
    Here is what I am going to do to ensure I will look human when I go on my cruise on Dec 14th!
I like to eat, so this will be HARD!

One of the biggest things I try to work out is my BUTT!

I hate doing the work out but the results can be great! 

LUNGES!!!! Doing 2 is alright then it becomes serious business and the buns HURT! Here is a pic of me Lunging. ( I am sorry it is so blurry but the only one home to take a picture is my daughter) 
When lunging make sure you keep your back as straight as you can and don't bend your back leg. You can either do walking lunges and alternate legs or you can do these bad boys of side lunges! ( again please excuse the blurry and yellow tint my 5 year old is my photographer today!)

On to my favorite the squat
I prefer to do these in the gym.. being as there is weights to push my self.
Today I am doing them at home with no weights... enjoy!
(haha please excuse the awkward butt angle) 

When doing Squats make sure you go down as far as you can with keeping your back straight. Remember it is all about the form. once you master the form then you can start doing all the crazy tricks...
I have scoliosis so sometimes all I can do is worry about getting the form down with out hurting me or my back any worse! Im telling you that if you do a bunch of these and your booty will be looking hot! (notice my photographer is getting better... just like if you practice getting your form down you will improve!) Now on to abs...

everyone wishes they had AMAZING abs! They take so much work... and trust me my abs are so far from perfect! I am improving just like you. Remember that abs are made in the kitchen.. you are what you eat (which makes me a bunch of cookies and chicken noodle soup and everything else I can put in my face!) 80% of abs are made in the kitchen. 20% are HARD work and dedication and determination! Here are a few  of my favorite ab work outs!  On the left we have a classic crunch... nothing to exciting.. do 100 and you will feel it! On the right we have a plank!(it is important NOT to arch your back!) Hold this position as long as you can and you  my friend will FEEL it! On the bottom we have a bicycle crunch where you alternate bringing your knees up to touch your elbows and working your legs like a bicycle.

 EAT healthy and try cut out most if not all the caffeine and try watch your portions! Make sure you are getting enough protein and vegetables Also make sure you are sleeping enough as well as drinking enough water!! My dinner tonight is what I like to call Chicken one pan... 
my recipe is get a larger baking dish spray down with coconut oil cooking spray. then place your chicken and desired veggies into the pan and season according to your liking (I like lemon rosemary and pink Himalayan salt and a little butter on the potatoes but not much).. I use carrots, red-skinned potatoes and fresh green-beans. Bake at 425 degrees for about 20-25 min or until chicken is fully cooked. SO YUMMY! (My family eats all Organic and local if we can!)


This was from Jan2014-Nov 2014 (my progress)
 I'd love to hear from you so please comment below!